Corporate code of Conduct

MyDevice has a reputation for conducting its activities in accordance with the highest level of business and community ethics, and in compliance with applicable governing laws. The maintenance of extremely high standards of honesty, integrity, impartiality, and conduct is essential to assure the retention of the clients, patients and the public’s trust in MyDevice. The preservation of that trust and of MyDevice reputation requires close observance of these standards on the part of its Managers, employees and representatives. MyDevice is committed to ensuring that it operates under the highest ethical and moral standards, and that its activities comply with the applicable legal requirements. MyDevice has developed a Code of Conduct to provide standards by which all MyDevice employees will conduct themselves in order to protect and promote organization-wide integrity, and to enhance MyDevice ability to achieve its mission. Compliance with the Code of Conduct will be the responsibility of every manager, employee or representative of MyDevice. Listed below are the guiding principles of MyDevice Code of Conduct.

Principle 1: Legal Compliance. MyDevice will strive to ensure all activity by or on behalf of the organization is in compliance with applicable laws.

Principle 2: Business Ethics. Employees and managers will accurately and honestly represent MyDevice and will not engage in any activity or scheme intended to defraud anyone, including state governments, of money, property or services.

Principle 3: Conflict of Interest. All managers, officers, and other representatives must avoid potential conflicts of interest. A potential conflict exists whenever a manager, officer or other representative has an outside interest, direct or indirect, which conflicts with the individual’s duty to MyDevice or adversely affects the individual’s judgment in the discharge of his or her responsibilities to MyDevice.

Principle 4: Business Relationships. Business transaction with ancillary providers, vendors, contractors and other third parties shall be transacted free from offers or solicitation of gifts and favors or other improper inducements in exchange for influence or assistance in a transaction. Principle 5: Reporting Suspected Misconduct. All managers, officers, employees and representatives have an affirmative obligation to report suspected violations of any statute, regulation, or guideline applicable to any MyDevice´s own Policies and Procedures.

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